Design and Production FMEA (Failure Mode and
Effect Analysis) is a basic requirement in the automobile and aircraft
industries today. |
But also in other branches the adoption of
FMEA causes cost reduction and a secure schedule |
Sourcing |
Quality Management knows ten different tools
which can be used to find the reason of a specific output. |
Reasons of favourable outputs are rarely
searched on the one hand and on the other hand made reproducible. |
An essential contribution to a continuous
improvement process can be made by systematic training of the functionaries. |
Plus/Minus Analysis |
Strengths and weaknesses become transparent
through systematic monitoring and benchmarking. |
Weaknesses are becoming aware of by unfolding
them. Then the reasons will be analyzed and deleted within a team. |
Systematical Troubleshooting |
Hurray! We have a problem! |
Problems show that the organisation has
weaknesses. The earlier these are noticed the more economic is the solution.
Every dissolved problem leads to a gain in experience. |
As I am a neutral person who has an aedequate
training and basic knowledge it is possible for me to change apparent
weaknesses into strengths for the future together with the staff members.